Tomislavgrad Municipality

Monuments & Memorials

Village/MZ Address Name Type Year Author Still Exists Date Mapped Description
Tomislavgrad Gimnazija Marka Marulića Bust of NH Boriša Kovačević Bust 1987 Spaho Čefo No Replaced bust previously unveiled in 1959, which was relocated to town park in the mid-1980s. Damaged and removed from public space prior to 1997
Galečić Borovo Polje Memorial obelisk commemorating 184 Victims of Fascist Terror Monument 1961 Yes Originally a collective grave, but remains exhumed in 1990. Plaque smashed by 1990, but enclosure still survives. Possibly replaced a smaller memorial at the site.
Tomislavgrad In front of municipal assembly Collective grave of 75 fallen fighters Communal Grave 1961 No
Lug Collective grave of 82 Victims of Fascist Terror Communal Grave 1967 Re-dedicated Monument built over grave in 1974. Heavily renovated between 1995 and 2007.
Cebara Village cemetery Collective grave of Victims of Fascist Terror from Slipica Jama Communal Grave 1966 Replaced Destroyed 1989, reconstructed after 1995 but prior to 2011
Mandino Selo Elementary school Plaque to commemorate fallen fighters Memorial Plaque 1964
Tomislavgrad Town park Bust of Franica Mašić Bust Created between November 1985 and July 1987. Removed from public space prior to 1997
Mokronoge Kaurska jama Plaque to commemorate Victims of Fascist Terror Memorial Plaque 1971 No Destroyed during 1990s. Remnants of foundations survive.
Grabovica Golubinka pit Plaque to commemorate Victims of Fascist Terror Memorial Plaque 1983
Tomislavgrad Town park Bust of Derviš Numić Bust Created between November 1985 and July 1987. Removed from public space prior to 1997
Tomislavgrad Town centre Fountain to commemorate liberation of the town in October 1942 Fountain Created before 1965
Šuica Local community building Plaque to commemorate the II Dalmatian Proletarian Brigade Memorial Plaque No Created before 1965. Building demolished and playground now exists at this location.
Tomislavgrad Municipality building Plaque to commemorate formation of People's Liberation Committee in July 1942 Memorial Plaque No Created before 1965. No trace survives.
Tomislavgrad Between old court and municipal KPJ headquarters (former) Monument to commemorate the place of formation of the Mihovil Tomić Battalion Monument No Created before 1965. Replaced in 1984.
Tomislavgrad Plaque to commemorate the birthplace of NH Boriša Kovačević Memorial Plaque Created before 1965
Rašćani House of Ilija Važić (former) Plaque to commemorate formation of People's Liberation Committee in November 1941 Memorial Plaque Created before 1965
Mokronoge Monument to mark the place of formation of the II Livno Battalion Monument Created before 1965
Šuica Razmine hill, overlooking village centre Monument to mark the formation of the X Herzegovinian Brigade Monument Created before 1977.
Šuica Next to monument Bust of NH Himzo Salihagić Bust Created before 1977. Possibly relocated here before 1984.
Cebara Slipica Jama Plaque to commemorate Victims of Fascist Terror Memorial Plaque Created before 1977. Included 129 names of victims.
Šuica Muslim cemetery Plaque to commemorate fallen fighters Memorial Plaque Created before 1977.
Zlopolje Barn close to well Plaque to commemorate Partisan hospital and wounded Partisans killed by Germans Memorial Plaque 1951 Replaced In very poor condition as of 1977. Remains of barn were placed under protection. Replaced by new plaque in 1984.
Šuica Monument to Victims of Fascist Terror Monument Created before 1977
Tomislavgrad Town park Bust of NH Boriša Kovačević Bust 1959 No Originally situated outside the town's grammar school, and relocated here between November 1985 and July 1987. Removed from public space prior to 1997
Tomislavgrad Plaque to commemorate residence of Supreme Command and Josip Broz Tito Memorial Plaque 1978
Zlopolje Property of the Sivrić family Plaque to commemorate Partisan hospital and wounded Partisans killed by Germans Memorial Plaque 1984 Replaced earlier plaque dating to 1951
Tomislavgrad Close to 'Lovac' kafana Monument to commemorate the place of formation of the Mihovil Tomić Battalion Monument 1984 No Replaced previous monument at nearby location. Created by 'Sabit', a mason originally from Jablanica. Removed from public space prior to 1997.