Ribnik Municipality

Monuments & Memorials

Village/MZ Address Name Type Year Author Still Exists Date Mapped Description
Previja Nikola Mačkić elementary school Bust of NH Antonije Ivić Bust Yes Created between 1967 and 1983.
Gornji Ribnik Ul. Rade Jovanića Monument to fallen fighters of the NOR Monument Re-dedicated Originally constructed 1980-82. Converted into monument commemorating 1992-95 war, with central element including large incised cross added between 2007 and 2014.
Gornji Ribnik Rade Jovanića bb. Monument to Ivo Lola Ribar Monument 1950 Yes
Ribnik House of NH Pero Kasapović Plaque to commemorate the NOVJ 5th Corps Memorial Plaque Created before 1983.
Crkveno Former elementary school Plaque to commemorate Partisans’ hospital Memorial Plaque 1976 Yes Plaque smashed, but reconstructed and re-erected
Donja Slatina Elementary school Plaque to commemorate fallen fighters Memorial Plaque
Busije House of Simo Banjac (former) Plaque to commemorate printing of Oslobođenje from December 1943 to June 1944 Memorial Plaque Created before 1982
Sitnica Petar Kočić elementary school Partisans' cemetery Cemetery 1966 Yes March 2024 Burials existed at this site before 1960. New plaque added to central element in 1989.
Donji Vrbljani Desanka Maksimović elementary school Memorial complex Memorial Park Yes
Donji Vrbljani Smrč Monument to Victims of Fascist Terror Monument Yes Almost certainly created or heavily modified after 1995
Gornji Ribnik Monument to mark the original place of burial of Ivo Lola Ribar Monument 1973 Ferhat Mulabegović Yes
Gornji Ribnik Partisans' cemetery with 59 fallen fighters Cemetery 1962 Headstones inscribed 1963
Crkveno Monument to fallen fighters of the NOB Monument Re-dedicated Destroyed 1992-95, with new monument created in 2018 in church grounds
Mrazovo Memorial ossuary Ossuary Created before 1985.
Donje Ratkovo Bajići, close to school Fountain to commemorate fallen fighters Fountain 1963 Yes
Ribnik Monument to Victims of Fascist Terror Monument Created during the 1950s
Vrbljani Fountain to commemorate fallen fighters Fountain Created before 1982
Previja Nikola Mačkić elementary school Monument to fallen fighters and Victims of Fascist Terror Monument Created before 1982.
Sitnica In front of Partisans' cemetery Monument to commemorate the first liberation of Sitnica Monument 1952 Yes March 2024