Bužim Municipality

Monuments & Memorials

Village/MZ Address Name Type Year Author Still Exists Date Mapped Description
Bužim Site of present-day Post Office Monument to fallen fighters of the NOB Monument 1967 No
Varoška Rijeka Plaque to commemorate Victims of Fascist Terror Memorial Plaque
Brigovi Crossroads Monument to commemorate Akif Mustafica and Husein Jusić Monument Yes Renovated 2010
Varajića potok Monument to mark the site of execturion of around 30 Victims of Fascist Terror Monument Yes
Konjodor Monument to the NOB Monument
Dobro Selo Monument to Victims of Fascist Terror Monument
Bužim Gradska kafana Plaque to commemorate meeting held by Moša Pijade and Nurija Pozderac in November 1942 Memorial Plaque 1959 Unknown Building no longer exists. Plaque smashed and later re-assembled. Current location unknown.
Bužim Town centre, between main monument and old Muslim cemetery Memorial fountain Fountain Created before 1974
Varoška Rijeka Plaque to commemorate teacher E. Mustafić Memorial Plaque Created before 1960.
Varoška Rijeka Monument to commemorate the liberation of Varoška Rijeka Monument 1967 No