Posušje Municipality

Monuments & Memorials

Village/MZ Address Name Type Year Author Still Exists Date Mapped Description
Cvitkuša In woodland Grave of 15 fighters of Dalmatian Brigade Communal Grave 1958
Posušje Exit of town toward Široki Brijeg Partisans' cemetery with 80 fallen fighters Cemetery 1953 Ante Šimičić 53 fallen fighters originally buried here. Renovated in 1968.
Posušje Municipality building Plaque to commemorate the liberation of Posušje by the 2nd Dalmatian Proletarian Brigade Memorial Plaque No Created before 1965. No trace survives.
Kovačnica Monument to mark the site of formation of the first KPJ cell for the Posušje region in 1920 Monument 1959
Posušje Close to hotel built on site of carpet workshop Fountain to commemorate the I Herzegovinian Brigade Fountain 1952 No Stones of fountain re-used in fountain in front of statue of Fra Grgo Martić in the town.
Posušje Gaj Ossuary of fallen fighters Ossuary
Rastovača Memorial grave of Stjepan Čutura Grave 1981 Included bust